We shall walk together on this path of life, for all things are part of the universe and are connected with each other to form one whole unity.
Maria Montessori
We love to work closely with the families and parents and believe communication between home and school to be vital. Families are an integral part of all that we do. Families are invited into our Schools to do activities, share experiences, assist on trips or join us for circle times such as Show and Tell.
Paint Pots Montessori Schools offer parents ‘My Montessori Child’ This application has been designed to allow parents a unique insight into their child’s day, along with photo observations and work portfolio. This is updated regularly and has proven to be an excellent link between home and school.
Annual parent meetings are offered with your child’s ‘key person’ teacher so that you can discuss your child’s development and achievements in more detail.
Parents are welcome to contact their Head Teacher with questions. We welcome our families input. We pride ourselves on our family atmosphere that enable us to build warm relationships with both the children and parents.