Available Funding
3 & 4 year old Universal Entitlement (15 hours)*
All 3 & 4 year olds are entitled to 15 hours of free education a week.
To be able to offer the Universal Entitlement of 15 free hours to children over 3 years old our invoicing system changes. From when your child turns 3 years old you will see an invoice line for your 15 free hours, additional private hours and an invoice line for compulsory additional charge ‘Delivery of the Montessori Curriculum’. Payment is still due each term for the private hours fee and the additional charge for delivery of the Montessori curriculum.
At Paint Pots The Park and Paint Pots The Boltons we apply 15 hours to each week of term time.
At Paint Pots The Grove we stretch the maximum claim of 570 hours over the whole calendar year for 11.5 free hours a week.
3 & 4 year old Extended Entitlement (30 hours)**
The government also has the ‘extended offer’ or 30 Hours of free childcare for 3 and 4 year olds.
To be able to offer the Extended Entitlement of 30 free hours to children over 3 years old our invoicing system changes. From when your child turns 3 years old you will see an invoice line for your 15 free hours, additional private hours and an invoice line for compulsory additional charge ‘Delivery of the Montessori Curriculum’. Payment is still due each term for the private hours fee and the additional charge for delivery of the Montessori curriculum.
Currently we only offer the 30 hours option at Paint Pots The Grove. We stretch the maximum claim of 1140 hours over the whole calendar year for 23 free hours a week.
Childcare Vouchers (existing applicants only)
Paint Pots is enrolled with most Childcare Voucher providers and will enrol in your scheme if not already signed up.
Tax Free Childcare Scheme**
For every £8 you pay in, the government will add an extra £2, up to £2,000 per child per year.
* The Universal Entitlement and Extended Entitlement are delivered with the support of government funding. Funded hours start the term following a child’s 3rd birthday. We operate three ‘stretched’ terms to cover the full year: 1st Jan–31st Mar, 1st Apr–31st Aug and 1st Sep–31st Dec.
** The Extended Entitlement and Tax Free Childcare Scheme has eligibility criteria and an application process. This funding is applicable to working families. To find out whether you are eligible please visit Childcare Choices.