Music and Fun at Paint Pots

Taylan is now two. He is a whirlwind of toddlerisms, with endless noise and soaring emotions. With mastering the ability to form sentences his desire to be active means he never stops talking, shouting or singing. Yet something happens to him in group situations – he withdraws to observe his surroundings and everybody in it, and is always the last child to participate. As he gains confidence and opens up, there’s no stopping him from bouncing and galloping all over the place.
The music and fun classes at Paint Pots were perfectly timed because they sated his need for involvement in a phase of shying away. Rhymes and storytelling with music, actions and toys built anticipation and gave him new things to make a weary Daddy laugh in the evenings. His attention was held and his impressionable imagination broadened. With a dose of familiarity he too participated.
An array of instruments encouraged rhythm and coordination, although true to Taylan’s nature his heavy handedness was highlighted with overly excited symbol clashing.
In one class, we played parachute games where Taylan laughed his head off as he was surrounded by jumping rabbits. In another class a pond was fashioned from scarves and frogs around a large metallic drum, its watery sounding timbre made the scene come alive.
When I recall memories of my early childhood, they’re fuzzy visions of wholesomeness. Music, rhymes, stories and a doting mother with a passion for teaching. It shaped me, and this is what I hope my child will also experience. As a working mother I do need some extra reassurance; as Paint Pots continues to inspire him, I too continue to learn just how these classes inject his early years with magic.
By Alexia De Angelis – Paint Pots Mum